Home Ownership Advantages for DINKs (Dual Income, No Kids)

By Toll Brothers 2 minute read

Last updated on December 17th, 2024

For the first time, women are having more babies in their 30s than they are in their 20s. This shift, which Psychology Today attributes to a “priority for higher education and career success,” means that couples are living as DINKs (dual income with no kids) longer.

One of your biggest advantages as a DINK couple is financial. Like many dual-income, no-kids couples, you may plan to have children eventually, but are delaying that $233,610 investment that CNN Money estimates it costs to raise a child. This makes it a lot easier for you to save and invest for purchases, such as a home.

There are several reasons why purchasing a house is a good decision for DINKs:


Tax Savings

Since dual-income, no-kids couples typically have a higher average income level, they often fall into a higher tax bracket and, without children, have fewer deductions. Owning a home helps offset this expense by providing much-needed tax breaks.


Location Freedom

DINKs who are not planning to have children in the next five years, which according to CNBC is the number of years you should plan to stay in a home before selling, have more freedom in choosing a location to buy. Without the need for schools, daycares, and other kid-related places, you can choose to buy a home based on its proximity to work, the airport, friends, or any personal activities you may enjoy.


Ease of Moving

When a move just involves two adults, and maybe a pet or two, there is ultimately less to worry about. There is no need to think about the impact that changing schools and leaving friends will have on children or about finding a new pediatrician or daycare. Plus, it is easier to pack without little ones underfoot, not to mention there being a lot fewer items to move.


Future Considerations

When deciding to buy a home, you should always think about your life five or ten years down the line, especially if you want to live in your home for more than five years. It might be a good idea to purchase a house with a couple of extra bedrooms and bathrooms, just in case children enter the picture. In the meantime, having extra bedrooms doesn’t mean they need to be used for sleeping. Until kids come along, these areas can be used for meditationyoga, painting, an office, or even storage.


When you are ready to buy your new home, check out TollBrothers.com for a full range of beautifully designed homes built in the best locations across the country. Toll Brothers offers hundreds of personalization options and can help you navigate through every aspect of the home buying process, including design decisions, financing, construction, and even post-settlement.

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Embracing an unwavering commitment to quality and customer service, Toll Brothers currently builds in over 60 markets in 24 states nationwide, and is a publicly owned company with its common stock listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: TOL). Toll Brothers has been one of Fortune magazine’s World's Most Admired Companies™ for 10+ years in a row, and in 2024 the Company’s Chairman and CEO Douglas C. Yearley, Jr. was named one of 25 Top CEOs by Barron’s magazine. Toll Brothers has also been named Builder of the Year by Builder magazine and is the first two-time recipient of Builder of the Year from Professional Builder magazine. For more information visit TollBrothers.com. From Fortune, ©2025 Fortune Media IP Limited. All rights reserved. Used under license.


    1. Lloyd Bronson says:

      My spouse and I are considering purchasing a home in the future in order to have a more stable place to live. I am glad that you mentioned how owning a home will provide tax-breaks, as a couple with no children will be likely making more money on average each year. Later today, I will discuss with my significant other whether or not moving is what is right for us. https://www.christinaholum.com/homes-for-sale-in-placerville-ca

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